Contributing to these Docs

This intends to be a living document which will evolve as new features and functionality is added to Ptero. The Ptero team attempts to keep it as up to date as possible, but input and clarifications are welcomed by the community.

Setting up your Environment

We use Sphinx with ReadTheDocs to makes it easy to create beautiful documentation. Assuming you have Python already, install Sphinx:

$ pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild

Note: if you are using XCode 5.1 or higher, the above command might fail, due to breaking changes in the XCode version bump.Run this instead:

$ sudo ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild

Clone the documentation repo:

$ git clone ptero-docs

Run the watch script to build and start a local docs server:

$ cd ptero-docs
$ ./

Open the docs in a browser at http://localhost:8000

Making Edits

Sphinx uses markup called reStructuredText which provides many built-in features for documentation, including easy linking, glossaries, and more.

You can either reference existing docs to get document syntax, or review the Sphinx reference docs directly.

Submitting Changes

Normal git branching and Github pull requests should be used to propose changes and additions. For contributors who do not have write access to the PteroHQ org on Github, please fork the docs repo and pull request from your fork.

When new commits are pushed to master on Github, the docs will automatically be built by ReadTheDocs and deployed to the live Ptero Docs.